
2024The 18th Shenzhen International Finance Expo
Date:  Nov.7th- Nov.9th      Venue: Shenzhen Convention&Exhibition Center, China

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Sponsored exhibition
Sponsor: it is classified into platinum, gold, silver and support units, and enjoys the special treatment provided by the general assembly;
* please contact the organizing committee for details.

Sponsor BBS theme
1. BBS, peak gold development peak in Shanghai and Hong Kong;
2. One Belt And One Road international finance development BBS;
* please contact the organizing committee for details.

Advertising opportunities
* please contact the organizing committee for details.

Telephone: 021-31201953
Fax: 021-31201953-612
Email: lizhi@ltuh.cn
Shanghai Qiyao exhibition CO.,LTD. All rights reserved
Shanghai ICP reserve 17015727-1

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